Webinars « ePractice Manager | Systems for next-level growth


Finding the Right Staff

At some point, every practice is faced with the need to hire new employees or replace existing staff members who are leaving the office. So what are the best practices for hiring and training qualified employees?

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Team Performance

Being part of a dental team, or any team has its challenges. In this webinar, we discuss what makes up a dental team, the keys areas of focus, and the techniques that work best to ensure a seamless experience for your patients.

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Managing Accounts Receivable

Managing patient accounts is a vital part of the day-to-day operations in a practice.  Our newest webinar covers some simple but important topics!

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Running Effective Office Meetings

A very important part of your role in the management of the practice is the successful organization and use of office meetings. This webinar will go over the basics of formatting and leading effective staff meetings, and keep your employees up-to-speed on what needs to be accomplished in order to boost production!

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Increasing Your Practice’s Online Visibility

Check out this month’s webinar with Andre Adair, digital marketing expert and co-founder of the design and marketing firm Franchised Focused Marketing.

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