ePractice Manager | Systems for next-level growth

You understand dentistry, we understand business.

Customized dental practice management.
   Increase Production
   Save Time
   Reduce Stress

More profits, less headache. 

We’re here to support you, whether it’s with HR, staff training, marketing strategies, accounting, or anything else you need. We’ve got your back every step of the way.

I get it.

Over the last three decades we’ve helped thousands of clients, just like you, get the relief they need and want—allowing doctors to focus on patients, not on managing the practice.

1,000s of clients
+ 30 plus years of experience
= Your best practice

Focus on patients. Let our toolbox manage the office.

Decrease Stress

By increasing training and accountability. Now you can delegate those management tasks with confidence.

Save Time

With our automated on-boarding and HR systems. Easily manage PTO, Performance Reviews, and training programs.

Increase Production

Spend less time managing employees and the office— enjoy a larger patient base and practice production numbers.