Working with a family member can be enjoyable and fulfilling. You know them well, and more than likely you are aware of his or her strengths and weaknesses. And, if you are even considering hiring this person, the trust factor is already higher.
Let’s be honest, hiring a spouse or another close family member can be a seemingly easy fix to your practice’s staffing needs. Hiring on (or considering hiring on) family members is very common within many practices – especially for administrative roles, such as Office Manager.
However, while situations differ from practice to practice, it’s more than just a good idea to make sure you weigh all of the following factors when hiring a family member:
Familiarity can be a double-edged sword. As a member of your family, you know (and hopefully get along with) your potential new hire. But keep in mind, it can sometimes be hard to draw the line between a boss and employee relationship when you’re dealing with a close family member.
Disciplining a family member can be very problematic and uncomfortable. You must remember that your practice’s policies and procedures apply equally to all new hires. This means that you cannot make exceptions for your family members, as it can open you up to a discrimination suit by another employee. At the very least, it can cause discord and animosity among the practice staff.
Mixing business with family. This is a particularly important point to consider if you are thinking of bringing on your spouse (or a live-in family member), as it can be difficult to separate your business and home lives. Unless carefully delineated, office problems can be brought home, putting a strain on personal relationships.
So what can you do to avoid these familial employee pitfalls?
Simply being aware of, and carefully considering the above points will help. However, you must set aside the time to sit down with the family member and communicate these concerns, as well as develop clear boundaries and expectations. Doing so will help sharpen those fuzzy lines, and avoid potential misunderstandings.
Here at ePractice Manager, we understand that running a practice is stressful, which is why we offer a full suite of onboarding, training, and management resources—to help you focus on what matters most, patient care. Sign up for a free consultation today!
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